Luxury Drug Rehab Treatment Centers Can Be Very Effective If You Know the Right Questions to Ask

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In light of the recent hype concerning the legitimacy of luxury drug rehabs/substance abuse treatment centers, it is critically important to become as best educated as to how to most effectively differentiate between "pure posh" and those facilities which utilize luxury as a complement to an already sound program. Unforunately, most folks inquiring into treatment for themselves or a loved one are commonly in a bad emotional state and can be easily swayed by a good sales pitch. Hope is a powerful thing, and we can all look back at our lives and recognize times when hope overtook intuition and later resulted in regret.

In the case of luxury addiction treatment centers that are commonly found in areas such as Malbu, California, Florida, Orange County, Arizona, etc., it is crucial to identify and assess their commitment to the overall recovery process. Luxury can be a wonderful thing if it is properly infused in order to enhance the recovery process. There are obviously many varying opinions within the professional addiction treatment community, but the common denominator is that all licensed treatment centers should focus on the greater good of the client and work diligently toward helping to best ensure one's long-term sobriety, whatever that may entail.

It is highly encouraged for those seeking treatment for themselves or a loved one to diligently engage in the process of seeking the "right" treatment center for their specific needs. Here are a few guidelines, suggestions and questions that should be noted during this research process.:

DISCLAIMER: This article is meant simply to edcucate and create additional insight into the process of deciding on the right course of addiction treatment. While the author of this article has substantial experience within the realm of chemical dependency treatment services, he is not a physician nor is he a licensed addiction treatment specialist.

1. Do some research first. Go to Google and type something which resembles "information on addiction" and read up on as much as you can. There are varying opinions on whether addiction is a disease or not, but most medical professionals do agree that addiction is a disease and is recognized as such by the majority of the medical community. There are 12 step approaches, holistic approaches, cognitive therapy, experiential therapy, etc.
2. If you feel comfortable and have any friends, family or colleagues with experience in the field of treatment then definitely consider speaking with them as to what their thoughts are. As in nearly any other example in life, those closest to you and whom have no financial motive are more likely to tell it like it is.
3. Next, while I hate to bring money into the equation, it is a necessary component. What can you afford? Does the person have health insurance? If so then what does it cover? You can save yourself some time by calling the number on the back of the insurance card and finding out what exactly is covered and which facilities they contract with. In many cases you will need to speak with the Mental Health Division which usually has a separate phone number.
4. Be sure to have as much information as possible concerning the substances in which the patient has been abusing. Some chemicals such as ethyl alcohol and benzodiazepines (Valium, Zanax...) may require a formal medical detox and could potentially cause life-threatening conditions if the person just quits cold-turkey. Other substances such as opiates and opioids (heroin, Vicodin, Morphine, Oxycontin...) aren't typically life threatening during withdrawal but can cause very severe flu-like symptoms which can be greatly lessened by use of certain medications. Again, we are not physicians; we are simply speaking from experience.

Some things to say and ask:

* When you begin calling or speaking with treatment centers, try to have someone else with you. It's important that the information you get is processed with reason and soundness, and addiction - whether it's for you or someone else you're inquiring on behalf of - can cause substantial grief and confusion which may lead to impulsivity. Two heads are better than one.
* TELL THE ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR EVERYTHING! If you're ashamed that your son is also shooting up heroin and you decide not to disclose that among the other things he's abusing, then you could potentially be creating more problems. Be honest and thorough!
* Once you explain your situation be sure to ask if a medical detox is necessary. The person answering the phone will likely not be a physician and will not be able to give you a definitive yes or no, but you should ask if the in the case of a medical detox being required, will there be a physician on site or at a different location which requires travel? There are obvious advantages to an on site physician and in certain cases it really is quite important. Keep asking questions until you feel comfortable.
* What is the client to staff ratio? What types of certifications does the staff have? What levels of education and hands-on experience does the staff member have? How much one-on-one time will the client get with the assigned therapist and/or addiction counselor?
* What are their treatment modalities? (You may not know the first thing about treatment modalities, and that is ok, let the admissions counselor explain all about it to you).
* Are they a 12-step based program? Do they offer any holistic treatments within the program structure? What types of groups do they conduct on a day-to-day basis?
* Will the patient be seen and assessed by a psychiatrist to determine if there are any co-occurring mental health issues going on (depression, anxiety, grief & loss...)? And if so, will the facility take care of ensuring the medications are picked up for the client?
* What are the visitor policies? Do they offer a family group and family counseling by an MFT or another qualified specialist in order to help transition the family through this period of time, as well as to uncover and begin resolving any issues within the family dynamic?
* How long is the treatment program? What type of aftercare planning and support do they provide? FYI: Relapse is more common in cases when the client leaves treatment and goes from a structured & protected environment right back into little or no structure, and even more so if they return to their old stomping ground while having that new-found freedom, money and transportation. Transition planning is extremely important as the treatment phase nears its end.
* What types of fun activities do they offer? People in addiction often lose the ability to experience joy without the use of drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc., and if they can't begin to re-learn the pure joys which life has to offer then it further sets them up for a greater likelihood of relapse.
* What kind of food do they provide? What about physical exercise? These are both important components and play integral roles in the treatment process available at many facilities.
* What about things like meditation, spirituality, etc? Addicts are said to be spiritually bankrupt and while drugs and alcohol helped to create this situation, the truth is that there almost always exists deeper underlying issues that were ironically alleviated by the use of drugs & alcohol early on before "addiction" actually set in. What elements within the program are geared to address this area?

With some of these questions you may not even know what the answer is in which you're hoping to hear. That is why prior research about addiction can be very beneficial, but ultimately you will begin to get a sense of what level of treatment the facility offers. Listen for the details. For instance, if you ask "how much one-on-one time will the patient receive with his/her assigned therapist," and they respond with "our clients receive quite a bit of individual therapy time" vs. "each client will receive at least one hour per day of individual therapy, and sometimes more if they're having an especially difficult day;" which sounds better to you? If, for example, you ask them how much addiction-related experience their staff psychiatrist has and you get a reply stating that their chef was classically trained in Europe's finest culinary academy then there may be cause for concern. There should ultimately be more emphasis placed on core purpose and treatment protocol than on the accommodations.

Upon admission to a facility, there are two things which will always be performed - aside from admission and psych-social paperwork. One, they will perform a toxicology screening (urinalysis) in order to find out exactly what substances the patient has been using. Two, they will require that all belongings and baggage are thoroughly searched by a qualified staff member in order to ensure that no contraband is taken any further within the facility. These are MUSTS, and while I would never go so far as to diminish the legitimacy of a treatment program, in the case where these two protocols were not diligently enforced it would be great cause for concern! Addicts & alcoholics whom are active in their addiction simply cannot be trusted and must be treated accordingly during the intake process in order to preserve the integrity and safety of the other clients and staff alike. This process will be performed with as much dignity and professionalism as possible, but must be performed nonetheless. The facility must have full and accurate knowledge of the chemicals in their system in order to determine the treatment & detox regimen, and likewise, must have the assurance that the new client is not bringing in anything which may pose a threat to the sobriety and well-being of the other patients.

The Growth of Drug and Alcohol Rehabs For Women

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Drugs and alcohol are two of the most abusive substances which leave severe effects among those people who have got into addiction to drugs or alcohol. Drug addiction is considered as one of the most deadly habits of human beings; it has taken millions of lives so far. Millions of people from all over the world get addicted to some kind of drugs every year and thousands die. In United States alone, the number of drug addicts every year is around 500,000. When a person gets addicted to some kind of drugs or alcohol, the only way to get out of the addiction is proper treatment in any rehab center. Hundreds of long term treatment centers have grown up all over the world and most of them provide excellent treatment to cure the drug or alcohol addicts. The habit of drinking is slightly better than that of the drug addiction; alcohol is considered as a beverage and is used in almost everywhere. Drinking in moderate quantities does not affect much also. But, taking drugs even in minute quantities every day can cause severe harm to a person's mind and body. People who get addicted to drugs find it very difficult to get out of the addiction.

In case of women, addiction to both alcohol and drugs are harmful; drinking large quantities of alcohol everyday can lead to severe effects which can also cause premature death. When a person gets addicted to drugs or alcohol, the addiction takes total control on their mind and body. The addicted person cannot even think of anything except the daily dosage of drugs or alcohol. They isolate themselves from the society and get mixed with other addicts. Treatment in the long term treatment centers is the only way to get rid of the addiction habits completely. Whether a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, proper treatment can cure them completely and help them get back to their normal life. Women need special treatment for their addiction habits towards drugs or alcohol. They have to be admitted in any alcohol rehab women or any drug rehab for women for proper treatment. Without necessary medicinal treatment along with adequate care and comfort, it is almost impossible to get out of the nasty addiction habit.

We all know that the medicinal treatment is the most essential way to cure drug or alcohol addiction; but care and comfort also play a very important role during the treatment process. When the withdrawal effects of drugs or alcohol show up extensively, the patients show several symptoms. These withdrawal effects are so painful that the patients cannot even bear them. Several such incidents have also been recorded, where the patients ran away from the rehab centers and went back to their addiction habit. Proper care and comfort must be provided to keep the patients cool and calm during this period. The well known drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers perform each and every necessary treatment procedures to cure the patients completely and help them to get back to their normal life.

About Heroin Rehab

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If you are struggling to get off of heroin then you should consider going to a drug rehab in order to get help with this problem. If you do then here is what you can expect for the most part.

First you will have to check into the rehab and that will involve a bit of red tape just like anything else. It won't take but an hour or two and then you will be checked in and they will put you in detox and probably let you sleep for a few days. Before you do this though they will likely check you out from a medical standpoint and also search your belongings to make sure you are not bringing any drugs into the facility. It is also likely that they will feed you as well, and most places will let you smoke when you want--though that will vary by facility.

While you are going through detox you will likely have withdrawal symptoms. Some of these might get a bit uncomfortable and most rehabs will give you medication to help with those. They will not allow you to get hooked on the medication they are giving you, instead they will give you just enough to feel better and possibly taper you off the dose if they have to.

After a few days of detox they will likely send you to the residential unit so that you can attend some groups and some lectures and group therapy. There you can learn more about how to live clean and sober once you leave rehab, so this is an important part of your treatment process. If you want to stay clean in the long run then you should pay close attention to what they are trying to teach you.

Treatment For Drug Addiction According to the Symptoms

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People, who have severe addictions towards drugs or alcohol, must get long term treatment from the addiction treatment centers; it is the only way to get out of the addiction and return to the mainstream of life. People, who are deeply addicted to drugs or alcohol, need treatment for long time; otherwise they cannot get cured. The well known rehab centers follow different drug treatment program and alcohol treatment programs. These treatment programs are very effective and after the complete treatment procedure, then addicted patients succeed to get rid of their nasty addiction habit and get back to normalcy. Alcohol treatment in Los Angeles has gained huge popularity all over United States as they have proved to be the best in curing the addicted patients. The world class rehab centers of this region provide excellent treatment for both drug and alcohol addiction. The rehab programs in California are the best among all others that you find in other regions of United States. Proper medicinal treatment along with care and comfort in the long term treatment centers is the only way to get rid of drug or alcohol addiction; there is no other simple way to get back to normalcy.

Identifying a drug addicted person is the most important role that a person has to follow, if he or she wants to cure the addicted person completely and help him get back to the normal life. There are several symptoms of drug addiction, which can help a person identify the addiction within a person. if you observe the suspect thoroughly, then you can identify the symptoms of drug addiction. A few commonly seen drug addiction symptoms are:

1.The person's eyes remain bloodshot red and pupils remain dilated most of the time.
2.They sleep for long periods of time everyday and yawn excessively all day long.
3.You can see sudden loss of weight in the addicts, they also lose appetite.
4.The physical appearance of the addicted person deteriorates a lot.
5.The drug addicted person isolates himself from the society and try to remain alone.
6.They experience tremors and slurred speech along with drowsiness.
7.Sudden mood change, from extreme anger to extreme calmness in minutes.
8.They get into troubles and fights easily with others.
9.Losing of precious items and money.
10.Lack of concentration.
11.You can also see a change in their friend's group.
12.Try to keep several secrets from everyone.

If you find all of these symptoms in a person, then you can be sure that the person has got addicted to drugs. At such situation, consult a doctor and get that person admitted in a drug addiction treatment center. The drug rehabilitation centers attempt each and every necessary step to help the addicted person get rid of the nasty addiction habit and get back to the normal life. The drug rehab centers follow a neat and cool environment, which helps the addicted people to return back to their normal healthy life easily. Without proper treatment in a rehab center, it is almost impossible to get out of the addiction habit.

Seeking Drug Rehab In Los Angeles

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Alcohol and drug abuse in the United States is real issue with real consequences. An estimated 50 percent of all murders and violent crimes, as well as unintended deaths, are reportedly linked to the abuse of alcohol. This statistic is particularly troubling for women because they are often the targets of drug and alcohol related crimes. While men are more prone to develop drug and alcohol abuse, women are at a higher risk of the dangerous effects of drug and alcohol abuse. Violent sexual assaults involving the use of alcohol or drug abuse, for example, affect women at a much higher rate than men.

Even more profound is the belief that only a small portion of patients suffering from drug abuse have documented problems and are seeking help. The large majority of people suffering are not seeking help to the detriment of their health and well-being. Women, in particular, are turning away treatment from centers for drug rehab in Los Angeles, as well as in other major cities, because of the stigma associated with drug rehab. Without professional help, however, many women suffering from drug and alcohol abuse may never fully recover. In fact, many see their addictions worsen until it's too late.

The prevalence of these addictions has destroyed millions of lives throughout the country. But a growing number of facilities offering rehabilitation are available. Many women seeking treatment can opt for gender-specific facilities designed exclusively for women. These centers are often great for women not only because they are tailored for women's specific needs, but because they often work to heal the psychological and emotional causes behind drug and alcohol addiction, in addition to helping reduce the addiction itself. Some of the best female-only rehab centers are small facilities that provide for an intimate atmosphere, which often makes therapy more effective.

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Help

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Addiction is a vicious disease that claims many victims every day. The most troubling distinction of addiction is that it is not just the victim (the drug addict or alcoholic) who suffers. Addiction also wreaks havoc in the lives of close friends, family, and loved ones.

When it is time to put your foot down... it is important to do your research and look for intervention help. Los Angeles has a number of resources available when you need to talk to somebody, and it is important that you do take advantage of these services if you want to break through any walls.

Intervention help in Los Angeles can ensure that you will be prepared for any defense that an addict may propose.

Even if you are not taking an offensive position, there are many defensive positions that an addict will take when confronted.

Los Angeles intervention help sources are available for two reasons. The first is because an intervention must be performed properly in order to be effective. The second reason you should seek intervention help in Los Angeles (which actually correlates with the first reason) is that anybody participating in an intervention will be putting themselves at risk... physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Los Angeles intervention help will ensure that you are completely ready for any attacks... and also that you have realistic expectations.

An intervention does not guarantee immediate results. In fact, it is very rare that an addict will respond the way you hope when confronted. However, bringing specific problems up to somebody's attention is the only way you can cause this person to consider that they might need help. And from there, you can encourage the right decisions.

If somebody you know is hitting rock bottom with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the responsible thing to do is to schedule an intervention. In fact, you shouldn't wait until somebody has hit rock bottom. The sooner you can have an intervention, the better.

Where to Find Intervention Help in Los Angeles

When you feel the time is right to confront somebody, you should gather friends, family members, and others who are close to the addict and ask for their help. The more people who stand up to somebody, the better!

Once you have gathered a sufficient number of friends and family members, who are willing to intervene, you should look for intervention help. Los Angeles is home to a number of drug addiction treatment facilities, and when you contact a center you should find all the information you need to confront somebody.

It is helpful if you can compare the facts about addiction to real life examples of behaviors that your friend or family member has expressed. The more examples you have, the harder it will be for this person to deny that they have a problem.

Statistics Show the Need For Women's Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles

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According to recent studies, 8.2 percent of people aged 12 and above use illicit drugs in Los Angeles, California. While this may not seem like much, it actually represents roughly 350,000 people. This means that drug and alcohol rehab in Los Angeles has an important part to play in the city's welfare.

Another potentially shocking fact behind the aforementioned statistic is that out of over 350,000 drug users in LA, an estimated one out of four is female. It's worth noting that while alcohol abuse is still considered a primarily male issue, women are more likely than men to abuse prescription and restricted drugs. In fact, a study done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse determined that out of approximately nine million women using illegal drugs per year, around 3.7 million take prescription drugs for non-medicinal purposes.

Several experts in the field of drug and alcohol rehab in Los Angeles have pointed out that this tendency towards relatively more available drugs indicates that women have more complex reasons than men for engaging in substance abuse. Therefore, any rehabilitation program designed specifically for women must address those reasons as well as the symptoms of addiction.

A good drug and alcohol rehab center in Los Angeles also considers the fact that the hectic pace of life of LA, in addition to the palpable need to be as perfect as possible in the major metropolis, can have a dramatic effect on women who want to throw off the bonds of addiction. A safe, secure, and warm location away from LA's fast-paced lifestyle is essential in order for women to truly get on the road to recovery.

Choice of Drug Rehab - The Most Crucial Factor For Better Addiction Treatment

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In the present day context the substance abuse is one of the most threatening evil to the modern society. In fact the point is that these days the number of drug addiction cases has increased to such an extent that it has become much harder to control it. And the fact is that there is not other option of getting cured of it other than the drug rehab centers. The substance abuse rehab centers also known as the drug abuse rehab centers are the best means to get the perfect cure for the addiction patients. In fact the substance abuse or drug abuse is most commonly applicable to the wrong usage of the prescription or medicinal drugs without the proper guidance of the doctors. In fact the point is that these days the problem of addiction to prescription drugs has increased to such an extent that it is quite hard to control. It is often seen that people use painkillers or other prescription drugs with sedatives, anxiolytic, analgesic or stimulant properties without the consent of the doctors and with regular usage this becomes their habit which gradually becomes their addiction problem. And even it is noticed that these people are not even always aware of the threat they are in.

And therefore the best answer to this problem lies in the drug rehab centers where the patient is provided with proper psychological treatment along with the proper detox program. This is very much essential for any drug detox for the reason that the proper drug detox is only possible with the help of the proper choice of the drug rehab center. In fact the choice of the rehab center is the most essential thing for the better treatment of the addiction patients. Besides that the main thing essential for the consideration of the choice of the rehab center is the treatment programs offered by the rehab centers. In fact there are some rehab centers that offers specialized treatment for some particular kind of drug addiction. On the other hand some offers overall treatment programs applicable for all types of addiction problems. Of course it is better to choose the rehab center that offers specialized treatment according to the problem of the patient. In this respect it is essential to note that there are certain rehab centers that are not up to the mark for the appropriate treatment of the addiction patients. Besides that it is important to note whether the addiction rehab center you choose offers psychological treatment along with physical drug detox or not. In this respect the names like Los Angeles drug rehab or California drug rehabs are better choices for the advanced treatment facilities offered by them.

The psychological treatment and mental support is a very essential thing for any kind of drug detox for the reason that the problem of drug addiction the physical health is not the only thing. In fact whenever any person gets addicted to any sort of drugs whether it be illegal drugs or prescription drugs it is sure to leave a mark in the mental health of the person. And it is often noticed if the detox program is carried on forcefully without proper psychological support and treatment the result may be devastating and may give rise to several problems like depression, inferiority complex or some other mental imbalance. Therefore to provide proper psychological treatment and mental support is the most essential thing to bring back a drug addict to his normalcy.

Looking For Los Angeles Drug Rehab Centers

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Have you check out the following Los Angeles drug rehab centers?

- Addiction Therapists of Los Angeles which offers outpatient therapy treatment for drug, alcohol and other addictions. The center has John O. Tsilimparis, a licensed therapist

- Alternatives, a gay owned and operated alcohol, drug and mental health program

- Clearview Treatment Programs, an outpatient addiction treatment center.

If you have, what of the many drug rehab centers in san Diego, san Francisco, port Hueneme, Sacramento and several others. These areas have drug rehab centers such as Amity Foundation, Asian Community Mental Health Services, and Beacon House.

Though some of these los Angeles drug rehab centers may be quite expensive, its no excuse for patronizing quack and bogus centers. You can still find cheap and affordable ones among them. Just be patient while searching. Many of these center offer their services at an affordable rate in order to get more clients like you.

The city of los Angeles is big and beautiful but drug addiction is a serious nuisance in the city. The police are having a heck of time curtailing people driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. This is why we have many los Angeles drug rehab centers. These centers are available for you if you want to stay off drugs for good.

But you must not only ensure that the center is fully licensed, you must ensure that the therapist also has a license to practice. This is a must if you want to get the best treatment for drug addiction. Many of the drug rehab centers in los Angeles are either not registered or have unlicensed therapist working for them.

los Angeles drug rehab centers is highly recommended for you if you stay in los Angeles or other areas of California such as San Rafael, Rosemead, Gardena, Woodland, North Hollywood, or Seaside to mention just a few.

I know getting into a drug rehab center is not exciting but you need all the help you can get to stay off drugs. Drug addiction has never done good to anyone. It only makes you miserable at the end of the day. The addict thinks in his or her world. He is under a delusion; believing that every other person is wrong and he or she alone is right.

It's wise to attend any of the los Angeles drug rehabilitation center near you instead of trying to do it on your own. Its of no use trying since your body has been conditioned to the drugs. so, if your body does not get these drugs, it begins to malfunction. This is why you must attend a drug rehab center.

What Los Angeles Drug Los Rehab is All About

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Los Angeles is known to the world for its glitz and glamor and every year, tourists flock to the beautiful sun city to experience the amazing wonder and the beauty that is evident. But, on the the other side of beauty lies an ugly monster of addition. And this is the addiction to drugs and alcohol. Neighboring countries like Mexico and Columbia have contributed to the problem because most drugs find their way through these countries. Every month substantial amounts of marijuana and cocaine find themselves in California and eventually to cities like Los Angeles. Therefore, the drug problem has given rise to Angeles drug Los rehab . This are facilities where people who find themselves caught up in the vice, can seek help.

There are many Angeles drug Los rehab that are run like spas for the exclusively rich. They have every luxurious tool that will have people recover and they ensure that the rich part with huge amounts of money for the treatment. In Los Angeles, there are many facilities for the everyday people and they can be helped in an affordable an professional way. Angeles drug Los rehabs can be public, private, non profit and Christian. Christian based rehabs incorporate the healing of patients with the word of God and other religious beliefs and principles. There are so many public rehabs and they take in a large population of people who cannot afford the private rehabilitation centers.

There are several things that Angeles drug Los rehabs consider when treating a patient. Firstly, they consider the kind of drug the patient has been taking and for how long they have taken the drug. Some patients are forced into the facility and others have to be coaxed by family members to seek help. Many of the patients do not realize they have a problem and it takes a long time before they accept in their minds that they need help. The first step to healing has always been admitting that one has a problem. Many reach the facilities only to run away or ask to go back home. Some patients leave the facilities transformed and totally recovered while other leave and fall back to their old ways.

There are very many locations running programs of Angeles drug Los rehab and some of them are Addiction Therapists of Los Angeles located in West Los Angeles. They offer out patient therapies for many who need help deal and get rid of their addition. In Los Angeles, there are gay owned rehabilitation centers for drugs and alcohol and it is a good alternative for many residents. The Clear view Treatment program is another out patient rehabilitation center in Los Angeles. These centers offer a service that enables people who had no hope rise from weakness and become better members of the society. The staff are well trained and dedicated to offer the best of medicine they possibly can. You will find a nice facility as you visit Los Angeles if you need to be helped and you will be doing this in one of the most beautiful locations in the world.